For the Love of Mornings

A spring sunrise in Geneva

A spring sunrise in Geneva

When someone asks me the ONE THING they should do if they want to change their life, I say, "Create a morning ritual + do it everyday."

It sounds too simple. It's one of those things that seems so easy, it's easy to overlook and not to do.

But there's a second option: It's so simple, it works.

If you have a morning ritual, you already understand how much of a gamechanger it can be. If you don't, and you're considering integrating one into your mornings, let me share with you why I think it's one of the most important things we can do for ourselves, especially when it comes to consciously creating our lives.

Now depending on what your objective is, you may want to design your morning ritual differently, but that's where your decisions to customize it for you come in.

What I'm recommending here is a foundation pretty much anyone can benefit from, and I'm going to emphasize how essential this practice is for entrepreneurs, creatives, leaders, visionaries, etc.: It literally aligns your energy for the day with your most inspired state.

There's a reason why there's the saying of "waking up on the wrong side of the bed." How we begin our day can affect the whole thing. So, I say that it's in our best interest to start it off in a way that puts the odds in our favor.

So, after much experimenting when it comes to creating a morning ritual, here's what I've found to be the most powerful:

  • Inspired by the practice of morning pages from The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron, I write three pages of stream-of-consciousness journaling every morning. Two days ago, my morning got busy and I ran out the door without doing them, and I literally felt a difference the whole day (I had a container of hummus flip and fall on the floor, then a glass bottle broke, etc.). It was as if my unconscious hadn't gone on it's morning walk, so it was making me feel edgy and scattered all day. Meanwhile, every other day when I wake up and do my morning pages, the rest of my day runs smoothly, like clockwork. This ritual has become my morning meditation.
    • HOW TO DO THEM: Free write for three pages when you first get up in the morning. They are private, so you write them without judgement, solely for you. Some of what comes up may be previously sub/unconscious, so this also gives you great insight into your inner beliefs and the narrative running beneath the surface. For anyone engaging in inner work and personal exploration, this will help you tap into your mindset + personally-held beliefs, which makes this practice invaluable.
    • PRO TIP: For an added boost of inspiration, open your Akashic Records while you write. I find that it enhances the channel and clarity of inspiration received. If you're not familiar with the Akashic Records, click here to access my introductory series.

I have had personal and business ideas and inspiration come through, and because I'm starting my day in this way, it also makes it easier to follow through on the ideas that come up.

Which leads me to another reason why morning writing is so important: It helps make inspired action easier to complete. This practice tends to the unconscious in a way that seems to drop unconscious resistance, which makes it easier to take action and follow through.

Say goodbye to creative blocks and and you have a superpower that will help you create your #dreamlife in record time.

Try it out and see how it works for you. I'd love to hear your experience, so if you feel compelled to share your results, send me a message and tell me about them!

Would you like more accountability when it comes to your morning ritual? Click here + scroll down to join the Inner Circle Book Club as we go through The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron.